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History Pants Sagging

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History of Sagging. Many trends have come and gone, but most people are Sagging pants is the art of wearing ones pants below the waist,
Dr. Buskey believes that the trend of sagging pants is a specific African- American .... Economy: 246 Stories · Black History: 243 Stories
The history of sagging pants is affiliated directly with prison or gang involvement. When strangers see a boy at night with low hanging pants,
9 answers - 26 Nov 2003Subject: History baggy (sagging) pants. Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: guaponose-ga. List Price: $30.00 Subject: Re: History baggy (sagging)
Sagging Pants were BORN in PRISONS! They were done that way so as MANY of our young people are IGNORANT of our culture and history and
A brief history of underwear and those sagging pants. In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking, now,
If sagging pants history is to be believed, this fashion trend actually originated in prison. Though it seems unlikely that any kind of
Was the fashion of sagging one's pants born of a prison mode of signalling Sagging pants became the behind-the-bars thing thanks to
8 answers - 28 Feb 2008The origin of sagging pants began with the idea of showing one's rear What is the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in Canadian history?


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